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Annotated Bibliographies

Source #1 Bibliography


James-Enger, Kelly. "What Yoga Can Teach You About Freelance Writing." Writer (Kalmbach Publishing Co.) 125.6 (2012): 7-8. Literary Reference Center. Web. 5 Nov. 2016.




 The author used direct comparisons from her time doing yoga to give lessons for those who are freelance writers. Such as “Stay committed by showing up on your mat--or at your desk.” (James-Enger)


Potential Quotes:


The more you practice, the further you'll go. Yoga is about stretching your own limitations, and regular practice makes you stronger, more flexible and calmer. If I make time to do yoga four or five times a week, I'm more centered and focused both on and off the mat than in the weeks I only get in one session. Freelance lesson: There's no substitute for writing. The more time you put in, the better a writer you'll become, and the easier it will be to grow your business.

  • The pose you like the least is the one you need the most. I love tree pose, because I'm good at it. But I groan inwardly when we're told to move into crow pose, because I'm afraid I'll fall--and I have. I only keep trying because I know pushing my boundaries and facing my fear is part of the practice.  Freelance lesson: Don't just stick with what comes easily to you. Stretch yourself and learn new skills that will help your business.



This source is valid because I found it on Galileo. The author herself is a freelance writer, so all of her advice is genuine and from her heart to other writers.




This source would be good to use later in my project when talking about the struggles of being a freelance writer. As I have already found out, it is difficult to have the discipline to sit down every morning at my desk and write, but it is a virtue to be gained and practiced over time. It was helpful, but I cannot yet say if it will fit into my research project because I am not sure what my topic will be.


Source #2 Bibliography

Wong, Belle. "Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Freelancer." Legal Zoom, 14 Nov. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.





This source was all about the pros and cons of being a freelancer, including the ins and outs that people typically do not think about. Important information includes daily schedules, what kind of money it is necessary to make, and the cons of having to take out taxes for yourself. The article also talked about having to go out and market yourself to the right audience.




Potential Quotes:

“You also have the flexibility to adjust your schedule so that you can live your life more fully.”

“ freelancers who choose to work from all around the globe, traveling wherever they want while still meeting their deadlines.”

“As a freelancer, you’ll be able to deduct a lot more expenses, deductions that aren’t available to employees.”

“ it’s up to you to land the work that will pay the bills.”




This source is credible because many people use Legal Zoom to answer questions about the legality of business practices, and it is known as a reputable site for good information. In Addition to this, the author is a freelance writer herself, so she knows what she is talking about.





I will use this to help get across the point of the real life ins and outs of freelance work. There are good things and bad things, and it really depends on the person if it is successful for them.



Source #3 Bibliography​

Jones, Mike. "10 Self-Employed Career Ideas, Based on Your Personality Type." Introvert, Dear, 28 Dec. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.



(Describe ALL info. that might be important for your paper. Explain to the reader and/or summarize what might be found in this source)


The website is a resource for people who are labeled introverts on the Meyers Briggs personality scale. I am an INFJ, and this article is all about different kinds of jobs for introverts who want to be self employed. The article hits my personality type specifically when talking about writers and technical writers. Writing can be blogs, articles for newspapers, or even copyediting, my personal favorite. The technical writing side is writing instructions for things, or writing textbooks or for trade publications.


Potential Quotes:


“6. Writer

Many introverts express themselves best in writing: in school, you performed better on written tests and now, you prefer writing an e-mail instead of calling or talking face to face. If you feel like this applies to you and you have your grammar in order, you can become a writer. For those more on the artistic side, copywriting involves a lot of research and care when expressing an idea. Concepts and ideas should be your thing.

Ideal for: INFJ, ISFJ, ISFP, or INFP personalities”




This is a credible source, even though it is a blog. There has been lots of research done about personalities affecting career choices and where people belong. Being an INFJ, I tend to see the bigger picture while also being detail-oriented. The author of this article is himself on the introvert scale, and graduated from Boston University with an MS in Mass Comm. He sees all the different jobs available to someone with a Mass Comm skillset that also wants to be self-employed.

Reflection (not the summary):


I can use this source to show how even being self employed, I can take care of myself and also have a varied portfolio.

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